Withdrawing Affiliate Fees

The affiliate fee can be specified by anyone who integrates with the DLN API or uses the deBridge Widget. The fee is received by the beneficiary at the moment when the solvers unlocks liquidity from the fulfilled order (usually a few hours after the order is fulfilled).

EVM chains

For orders initiated on EVM chains, the affiliate fee is transferred to the beneficiary address automatically in the same transaction where the solver unlocks liquidity from the fulfilled order.


For orders initiated from Solana, the affiliate fee is claimed by the beneficiary who should call the withdrawAffiliateFee method of the DLN program on Solana. Example snippet:

import { Solana } from "@debridge-finance/dln-client"
import { Connection, PublicKey, clusterApiUrl } from "@solana/web3.js";

function findAssociatedTokenAddress(wallet: PublicKey, tokenMint: PublicKey): [PublicKey, number] {
    return PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync([wallet.toBytes(), new PublicKey("TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA").toBytes(), tokenMint.toBytes()], new PublicKey("ATokenGPvbdGVxr1b2hvZbsiqW5xWH25efTNsLJA8knL"));

const solanaClient = new Solana.DlnClient(
    new Connection(clusterApiUrl("mainnet-beta")), // better use your own RPC
    new PublicKey("src5qyZHqTqecJV4aY6Cb6zDZLMDzrDKKezs22MPHr4"), 
    new PublicKey("dst5MGcFPoBeREFAA5E3tU5ij8m5uVYwkzkSAbsLbNo"), 
    new PublicKey("DEbrdGj3HsRsAzx6uH4MKyREKxVAfBydijLUF3ygsFfh"), 
    new PublicKey("DeSetTwWhjZq6Pz9Kfdo1KoS5NqtsM6G8ERbX4SSCSft"),
type Order = {
    orderId: string;
    beneficiary: PublicKey;
    giveToken: PublicKey;
// load order in expected format
const order: Order; 
// order could also be loaded from chain by order creation tx hash
// const order = solanaClient.getOrderFromTransaction({ giveChain: ChainId.Solana, txHash: "create tx hash" }, {});

// build withdraw tx
const tx = await solanaClient.source.withdrawAffiliateFee(order.orderId, order.beneficiary, findAssociatedTokenAddress(order.beneficiary, order.giveToken)[0]);
// send withdraw tx

Last updated