deBridge Liquidity Network uses a 0-TVL cross-chain trading infrastructure to facilitate high-performance cross-chain exchange. Instead of using liquidity pools, the DLN executes all trades asynchronously through a self-organized liquidity network, providing developers and projects with the ability to leverage the fastest cross-chain experience on the market and transfer liquidity and information with faster time to finality than any legacy cross-chain solution.

By shifting the cross-chain paradigm from bridging to networking, deBridge enables myriad unique features for applications and users:
Near-instant settlement
Limit orders for any cross-chain trade
Zero slippage on any order size
Unlimited market depth
Guaranteed rates and low fees
Native token trading (no custodial risks of wrapped assets)
Zero locked liquidity at risk (0-TVL)
Rapidly scalable (can process any trading volume)
Gasless limit orders (users can commit orders without any upfront costs — tokens are deducted only if execution is guaranteed on the destination chain) (coming soon)
Order + call data allows adding instructions to be executed together alongside order fulfillment
Last updated
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