Affiliate fees

Same-chain affiliate fees

EVM single-chain affiliate fee

To get affiliate fee when user performs single-chain swap on Solana chain affiliateFeeRecipient & affiliateFeePercent request params should be set.

  • Affiliate fee percent - percent of the output amount to receive as fee

  • Affiliate fee beneficiary - evm address that will receive fee

Solana single-chain affiliate fee

To get affiliate fee when user performs single-chain swap on Solana chain affiliateFeeRecipient & affiliateFeePercent request params should be set.

  • Affiliate fee percent - percent of the output amount to receive as fee

  • Affiliate fee beneficiary - Jupiter referral key, could be generated at . Fees could be claimed at jupiter referral dashboard

Cross-chain affiliate fees

Integrator could receive affiliate fee from order creation. affiliateFeeRecipient & affiliateFeePercent request params should be set.

  • Affiliate fee percent - percent of input order amount that will be sent to affiliate fee beneficiary on order completion

  • Affiliate fee beneficiary - receiver of the affiliate fee. Pubkey for Solana, address for EVM

Withdrawal details could be found here

Last updated