📑Mainnet Addresses

Addresses of the deBridge mainnet smart contracts deployed on all supported blockchains

deBridge IaaS


Proxy: 0x2328Ee20fA271073328DC94e52Dd5b61aa0C91A7 Implementation: 0xf46b9e22a2a5B07bd2F601d9A59b4E01424f5E35




This contract is the main point of cross-chain interactions coming from users and protocols. It enables sending and execution of cross-chain messages

deBridge Settings

Settings program stores validators' signatures and controls all protocols parameters such as fees, consensus algorithms, validators' public keys

EVM Chains

Smart ContractDescriptionGithubEthereumBNB ChainHecoPolygonArbitrumAvalancheFantomLineaBaseOptimismNeon


This smart contract is admin for all upgradable proxy smart contracts. It can change the implementations of all proxies. ProxyAdmin is controlled by governance multisig


This contract is the main point of cross-chain interactions coming from users and protocols. Its "send" method enables sending arbitrary messages and assets cross-chain in one transaction


ERC20 token that is used as a wrapped asset (deAsset). Protocol guarantees that all deAssets are 1:1 backed by the collateral locked in DeBridgeGate smart contract on the source chain


DeBridgeTokenDeployer is a deAsset deployment factory


This smart contract verifies the validity of all validators' signatures to execute the sent transaction on the destination chain in case at least 2/3 of the signatures are valid.


CallProxy smart contract to execute the external call with a transferred message to the receiving smart contract.


A periphery smart contract to distribute fees collected by the deBridge protocol in the DeBridgeGate smart contract.


Upgradable contracts cannot receive ETH via transfer because of increased SLOAD gas cost. This non-upgradeable smart contract is used as the proxy-recipient to immediately transfer funds to the upgradable contract to bypass the "out of gas" problem.

Last updated